Jane Austen - Emma
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Jane Austen Revision Essay Questions : -

  1. Explore the ways in which Jane Austen uses themes to show the class structure of the C18th.
  2. How does Jane Austen use characters to represent aspects of love?
  3. Explore the ways in which Jane Austen presents characters in Emma.
  4. How does Jane Austen use language and style to involve the reader in the events of the novel?
  5. Discuss how Jane Austen portrays social prejudice in the novel Emma.
  6. Comment on the way the novelist uses settings to show differences in moods and events.
  7. Comment on the extent to which the character of Emma is used to explore the theme of naivity in Emma.
  8. Show how Jane Austen exploits social contrasts and issues in spite of the limited social world that the novel presents.
  9. How does Jane Austen use the characters of Emma, Isabella and Mrs Weston to illustrate the position of women in the first part of her novel?
  10. Comment on the different levels of society that are shown in Jane Austens Emma, and how they relate to each other in part one of the novel.
  11. Explore the different themes and characters that Austen introduces to the reader in part one of the novel Emma.
  12. Analyse the different kinds of relationships that Austen portrays between the characters in part one, paying particular attention to language.
  13. How is the theme of marriage presented in the novel Emma?
  14. Explore the ways in which Jane Austen disregards the concept of a stereotypical heroine in Emma.
  15. Illustrate the ways in which Jane Austen presents the character of Emma.
  16. Explore how Jane Austen presents the themes of marriage and social status in Emma.
  17. Paying particular attention to the character of Harriet Smith, explore the relationship Jane Austen introduces in part 1 of Emma between Harriet smith and Emma Woodhouse.
  18. Comment on the ways in which Jane Austen presents the character of Mr. Knightley, paying particular attention to the style and language used during part 1 of the novel.
  19. Comment on the way in which Jane Austen presents Emma as the main character in the novel.
  20. Explore the different ways in which love is portrayed in Jane Austens Emma.
  21. Comment on the ways in which Jane Austen presents the theme of marriage in the first part of the novel.
  22. Discuss the ways in which Jane Austen develops readers understanding and appreciation of characters through their mutual interactions.
  23. How does Austen portray the character of Mr Elton in the first part of the novel?
  24. Discuss how Emmas involvement in major plot events develops the readers understanding and appreciation of her character.
  25. Discuss the ways Jane Austen uses language to show characters in different social positions
  26. Discuss the importance of money and social position in part 1 of Jane Austens novel Emma.

**Remind yourself of chapter 14 in section 3 p406 which begins


What totally different feelings did Emma takeā€¦


Examine how Austen presents Frank and his attitudes here and in one other relevant extract of your choosing


In your response you should include reference to the following


            Attitudes displayed



** Remind yourself of the exchange between Mr Knightley and Emma in chapter 8 p56 which begins


Harriet slept at Hartfield that night


How does Jane Austen engage reader in the relationship between Emma and Mr Knightley in this chapter and at one other relevant point in the novel?


In your response you should include discussion of the following


            Attitudes displayed



**Remind Yourself of chapter 16 p127 which begins


Discuss how Austen presents Emma and her situation


In your response you should include reference to this following

            The importance of this episode to the novel

            The use of language to create particular characteristics in particular situations



**Re-read chapter 7 P344 which begins


They had a very fine day for Box Hill


Using this extract as a starting point, discuss how Austen presents character and place here and in one other extract of your own choosing


In your response you should include reference to the following

            The importance of each episode to the novel

            The use of language to create particular characters in particular settings