sunwolfing | Year 13 | Year 12 | Year 10 | TKAM Quotes and things | TKAM Chapter Summaries | Good Books | Jane Austen - Emma | Good links | Year 9 | How to do a Revision Plan  

I think the punctuation bug has been sorted out...


Just put updates on most pages so click on what you want, and email me if there's stuff that needs changing / updating / adding.



Site News

22/11/03 - site goes online.

26/11/03 - updates all over the place. Including Cousin Dave corner for Year 10......

9/12 - really good chapter summary link for Jane Austen on the Year 12 page.       Some essay plans on TKAM on the quotes and things TKAM page....

19/1 - just updated most pages briefly. More to follow over the next few days.




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